One of the most revolutionary products I found around last year is an exfoliating pad. I've found many exfoliating pad on the internet, they are all so tempting to try, unfortunately all of them are only available online. Cosrx One Step Original Clear Pad is actually my second exfoliating pad. My first one was from Neogen, and now I want to share to you my review on Cosrx One Step Original Clear Pad.
Salix Alba (Willow) Bark Water, Butylene Glycol, Glycerin, Betaine Salicylate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Arginine, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Panthenol, Allantoin, Ethyl Hexanediol, Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Peel Oil, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil, Sodium Hydroxide, Sodium Hyaluronates
COSRX Cosrx One Step Original Clear Pad is pre-soaked in betaine salicylate and willow bark water to chemically exfoliate without drying out your skin. Active ingredients penetrate deeply into pores to dissolve oil and dead skin cells, which help in controlling breakouts. Not only are they good for the face but also recommended for blemishes on the chest and back.
I have thought for a long time before I bought it, and I think "Do I need this?" every single time I see this product on Google. LOL. And then, I saw one famous beauty blogger bring this product on her beauty product for traveling, it triggered me the most. So when my fellow blogger travelled to Korea, I asked her to bring this product. HAHAHA. Anyway, One Step Clear Pimple Pad was its original neme befor it changed to One Step Original Clear Pad. Except the product name, everything is the same.
How To: Swipe a pre-moisturized pad gently over face avoiding eye area after cleansing. You do not need to rinse off. Just continue with your normal skin care routine. Replace the lid tightly to make sure the pads stay wet and clean. Use up to 2-3 times per day.
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Just like Neogen Pad, this pad come with rough and soft side. The rough one has an embossed side on the cotton. The application method written on the box that came with I use the embossing side first to exoliate then I switch the softer side to make my skin smoother because it has hydrating effect. I have used this pad for over a month and actually at the first time I hate this product. It is because the pad size is sooo smooolll. Like really small. I compared this one to Neogen and apparently Cosrx is only has its 1/3 size. And Neogen has finger pocket that makes me easier to use it but this Cosrx pad is just an ordinary cotton pad soaked in exfoliating toner. And I was like, surprised and cried because it is a bit inconvenient for me. However, it has a mild scent, similar to tea tree from The Body Shop, that won’t make you dizzy, and I like it anyway. It has almost no perfume so it has no strong essential oil which sometime irritates your skin.
Last week, my pimple starts to show up since the periode is near, I decide to use it to know how does it works against pimple. And yeah, I love it. I swept the pad thoroughly on my face and put it for a while under my pimples and ta-da…the pimple shrunk, really! The inflammation is reducing and I know now why people love it! Is there anything else I love about this pad? Sure. It is cheaper compared to Neogen (Rp 300.000) or NIF and Fab (Rp 450.000). Before the red line issue we have with customs, it is under Rp 200.000 but now it cost more than Rp 200.000 actually. Well, not only it is cheaper, it also has more pads (Cosrx 70 pads, Neogen 30 pads) but yes it is so small. Will I buy repurchase? Not sure, gotta tried other product.
So that's all my review on Cosrx One Step Original Clear Pad. Have you tried exfoliating pad before? Share it with me!
PS: This is not a paid review, I bought the product with my own money.
I never tried exfoliating pad before, but after reading your review i think i want to try it, because it work to against pimple. I think that awesome
BalasHapusweeeh... keliatannya ampuh bener ngatasin jerawat ya mbak. terus harganya lebih murah lagi dibanding yang lain ya.
BalasHapusaku jarang jerawatan sekarang, tapi justru bekas jerawat yang lalu-lalu sampe sekarang masih berbekas :(
Komentarnya pakai bahasa Indonesya aja yaa...
Belum pernah nyobaak....dan sesungguhnya harga itu yang menjadi sorotan utama ketika membaca postingan mba Dew.
Tapi kalau hasilnya memuaskan...kok jadi mupenk yaa...^^
No disrespect. But, it kinda shows me how complicated a woman is when it comes to the looks. They have so much make up equipments and substances that i don't really know what it is. I don't know exfoliating pad anyway. I guessed it is actually related with pimples or stuff like that. The only make up substance i use is my acne soap and morning cream that was given by one famous skin clinic in Yogyakarta. And i dont have pimples.
BalasHapuswell, i knew that product from my friend.
BalasHapusi think it smells so strong! even it will gone for couple minutes (just my opinion)
I never heard about Cosrx One Step Original before. May be i have to try it
BalasHapusWaw, it's something new for me, that rarely touch some make up stuffs. Hihihi.
BalasHapusBut I think it's good that the exfoliating pad has almost no perfume. Thanks for share, Miss Dewi :)
I don't use pad anymore. I just use skincare, no lipstick, no foundation, so i didn't hv pad experience.
BalasHapusMaybe, someday if i feel i need, i'll try this exfoliating pad. Thank you for this nice review.
wah cocok ini buat aku yang jerawatan. Trus gimana kebelinya ya?? Hadeh jadi penasaran
BalasHapusWow. Low price ya, teh. Aku belum pernah coba sih, karena yaaa... Sama aja pemikirannya. Gue butuh tah?
BalasHapusMaaf mbak saya masih ga ngerti ini produk apa? Inggris saya masih kurang fasih. Make up kah ini? Atau apa?
BalasHapusAku kadung tertarik sama produk yang satu ini
BalasHapusPengen beli juga, kukira harganya 45k, ternyata 450k, aku salah baca, satu nol nya luput, hahaha
Nggak jadi beli deh
Nabung duluuu😁😁😁
I think, someday I will trying exfoliating Cosrx One Step Original Clear Pad. Because it's cheaper than the other product, right?
BalasHapusenggak pernah. SKin careku standar banget. Serum + sunscreen + facial foam + masker.
BalasHapusENggak punya pimple juga. Dan enggak pernah perawatan facial di salon2. Takut kalo coba skin care macem2 tar malah muncul pimplenya. 😁
Someday i will buy it for my wife. Thanks for review. 😂😂
BalasHapusSebagai Blogger yg englishnya minus sy kagum dgn mereka yg pintar nulis english
BalasHapusBtw ini ttg pembalut ya ?
Duh maaf jika salah
Maklum ga pake google translate
Belum pernah cobain exfoliating pad sebelumnya. Tapi ga ada salahnya sih mulai nyoba juga. Selama ini memang harus banyak belajar tentang kecantikan. Karena ternyata banyak tools yang bisa membantu untuk kecantikan. Makasih banyak untuk reviewnya Mbak :D
BalasHapusBelum pernah cobain exfoliating pad sebelumnya. Tapi ga ada salahnya sih mulai nyoba juga. Selama ini memang harus banyak belajar tentang kecantikan. Karena ternyata banyak tools yang bisa membantu untuk kecantikan. Makasih banyak untuk reviewnya Mbak :D
BalasHapusWah kayaknya wajib dicoba nih. Selama ini cuma ngandelin sabun atau krim2 aja tapi agak lama sembuhnya jerawat, apalagi komedo hadeh. Kebetulan saya suka jerawatan apalagi kalau menjelang haid. BTW, harganya pun ternyata lumayan ya mbak, lbh murah ketimbang produk sejenis. TFS reviewnya.