Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016

[Review]: Sociolla Shopping Experience

I have tried Sephora (previously Luxola, if you want me to write my experience about Sephora lemme know) and others beauty e-commerce. And now, I've just tried the not so new beauty e-commerce called, taraaaa, Sociolla.

Nyasar ke Sociolla karena nyari lipscrub, since I am lately fall in love to matte lipstick and I need it to keep my lips smooth. Saya google sana-sini, and found it like, voila! It is quite exciting since Sephora doesn't provide us with many drugstore products, if there is some Maybelline, it will be on the higher bar of price products. And Sociolla provides me with the IDR 12K product that I can deal with.

The first product that I am looking for is Emina Lipscrub, the Sugar Rush. I looked at the reviews and it sounds like a great one with cheap price. It is only IDR 36K compared to the Etude House Lipscrub that cost me about IDR 50K or something. And then I think that I need another lipbalm since mine, the EOS one is starting to taste like an oil, it has to be tasted like a strawberry. So, I think that I have to grab the new one, and I am looking for the cheapest one and it is the Utama Spice that is cost around IDR 15K. I want to try the product since long time ago, and yes, it is the moment. Haha.

Kadang, kebutuhan belanja wanita itu memang tidak didorong oleh kebutuhan saja, namun juga keinginan yang absurd dan kadang abstract. Wkwkw. And after getting what I need, I started to think that I needd.....sleeping mask. And...unconsciously, I....looking for it... Laneige is way too costly, and jreng, ada si The Face Shop yang di-rave banyak orang. Hahaha. Yes, I added it to my cart. and now the 50K shopping cart turned into a large bill, it is about 230K something, and I remembered this one... Sociolla is giving discount voucher everywhere. HAHAHA. OK. I googled it! Yes, I did! And I found it! But unfortunately it once valid when my card cost more than 250K. But, since Sociolla provides us product with wide range of price, I added a 20K lotion from Wardah, and GOD, yes THANK GOD, I get 20% discount (do the math, 250K minus 50K is 20% discount).

After I finished my order, I transferred it right away, until this step there is no big problem. But after I finished the wire payment. I am a bit tired. Why? Because we have to email the payment confirmation. Yes, we have to email it, the web doesn't provide us with a quick button to confirm our payment. And the order tracker is quite confusing because the update is a bit slow.

Oh, Sociolla is also free shipping! But I don't know the requirement of this, I am just get it haha.

Another exciting point from Sociolla, even Sephora has it to, is they have a point system. If you collect a lot of point, you can convert it to a shopping voucher. Yum!

Overall, it is a bit fun since I can get a cheap product and discount but the payment confirmation is taking a lot of effort. I give it 7 out of 10.

I might come back here to find my fav product or if there is a discount frenzy! So, wanna try to shop here? Give a shot!



PS: I want to write it ASAP after I shopped cause I am afraid the ideas will fly. And the products haven't arrive. I'll give you another update about it.
And please be fully noted that I buy it with my own money and this is not a sponsored blog post. I write the review based on my personal experience. 

17 komentar:

  1. Bahasanya jangan dicampur2 woy. Emang ini sop buah? 😂😂😂

    1. Kalau saya nuliss full pake bahasa Korea, bapak paham? Wkwkwk

  2. Lagi mikirin belanja Emina karena kemasannya lucu banget. Nampaknya asik juga belanja di Sociolla. Tapi bikin males ga tuh harus kirim email buat konfirmasi belanja. PR banget rasanya teh

    1. Nah itu dia, udah belanja pake duit sendiri. Eh dibikin ribet, itu aja sih, kalau masalah harga dan produk mah lebih banyak dari Sephora dan lebih bervariasi. Jadi so far, so good haha

  3. Bagaimana meningkatkan rasa PD nulis blog dalam bahasa Inggris?

  4. Ada gratis ongkir nggak, teh?
    *pertanyaan mereka yang tinggal di pelosok..
    Btw gue belum pernah beli di Sosiolla.. Boleh yah nanti :D

  5. Setuju, kebutuhan belanja wanita seringkali didasari oleh keinginan yg absurd lg abstrak =D

    Nice experience, Mbak Dew. Sociolla bs jadi beauty e-commerce yg recomended when I want buy some beauty product. Ngiler sama free shipping n point systemnya. Hehehe

    1. Tapi Mbak.... udah 10 hari dari sejak postingan ini naik, paketnya belum sampe kwwkwk

  6. serem juga ya cewek kalo belanja.. dari beli satu.. sampe beli2 lainnnya.. kayaknya bini gw gak boleh tau sociolla nie.. bahaya.. :p

    1. kasih tau aja Mas, cuma rekeningnya kosongin dulu hahaha

  7. Aku udah lama mupeng pingin belanja di sociolla, tapi mikir ongkirnya ga jadi deh belanjanya

  8. Ini tempat belanja yang katanya free ongkirnya itu. Waah, banyak yang suka ini :)

  9. Aku lebih milih belanja di sociolla dan shepora indonesia dibanding belanja di onlineshop IG. Soalnya bisa dijamin keasliannya. Selama belanja di sociolla pengirimannya cepet mba. Tapi sempat hari sabtu lalu beli, sampai senin belum ada konfirmasi barang siap dikirim. Akhirnya selasa pagi aku chat CS-nya dan siangnya sudah sampai belanjaanku. Kalau soal konfirmasi itu kalau bayarnya via bank transfer ya mba?


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